Awake, finally
A throbbing behind my eyes A rustle of sheets as a warm Body turns beside me I open my eyes Awake Thin light falls over the bed I turn in the grey sheets facing his back, more awake now A squid clings to his shoulder The inky arms reaches out Towards me, wrapping Around my torso, My thighs Enticing. It's getting brighter, red light Behind my eye lids creeping In. bringing me back Into that small room A dream? Red sheets wrap around me as I turn to face a wall. suddenly I'm surrounded by water, floating rubble everywhere I put my hands to my face, up side down, I wish to close out the scene. But I Have to look eventually A gruesome face, bloated in The water, startles me Awake. I blink, twice Something feels Off A green light is blinking behind My desk. That's odd. The room is hot and my body is damp. The spot next to me is empty I rise to turn on a light. I need to use the bathroom. A 'click' Then nothing. Only dar...